Monday, 7 May 2012

Ex's and Ohs.

Been a long time since I have written a blog post. To be honest I had totally forgotten all about my online life, as I was far too busy in my real one. (Nothing fun I am sad to admit, but work work and more work!) It's been quite annoying really as it seems that everywhere I seem to go, I come face to face with people from my past. Whether it be old friends you haven't seen in a while, who suddenly seem to have had something new and exciting happen to them, or ex boyfriends you would rather not see again! Firstly, I am very happy to discover my best friend has now got an awesome new job working as a PA in London. She really does deserve this job after many years of working for free, and being a slave to retail. I am absolutely thrilled for her, but at the same time out comes the green eyed monster! Despite my jealousy though, I am determined not to let this get me down. I am instead seeing it as an opportunity to change the things I do not like in my life. So my first step is to find a new amazing job. For some bizarre reason, I really quite fancy the idea of getting a boring office job and secretly relish in the idea of wearing a suit to work everyday. Who knows why! It's not even really about earning more money, I just want to feel more successful.

Other than this dilemma I am getting rather annoyed at the growing amount of times I seem to be running into the significant ex recently.  I have no romantic feelings towards him anymore. None. Zilch. Zero. Yet it is getting a teeny weeny tiny bit ridiculous that in the last 12 months since we broke up, I hadn't bumped into him once despite living in the same town. And now suddenly, now it's officially past a year I seem to be seeing him all the time!. To make matters even more annoying, I seem to always see him with his girlfriend. As I said before, I have no feeling towards him, other than spite perhaps. After four years together he truly did turn into a first prize  douche. But I still would rather not bump into them every single week!. I'm just dreading the day I actually have to properly come face to face with them, in some sort of freak social accident .It will be awkward. Would she know who I was? It's a rather strange feeling to have. I would never get back together with him. In fact I would rather eat my own face. I just don't like to see him so well, happy! How selfish and evil does that sound? I wonder if he would be bothered if the shoe was on the other foot. I shall never know.

So, in the meantime I am going to start insanely enjoying my life. I'm going to try and go full speed ahead again on my business Twinset And Pearls ( I make and sell cool hair accessories) I'm going to make sure I look as awesome as I can each day, as life is simply too short to not look fabulous! I'm going to not look back at the past, only towards the future, so that when that dreadful day does come where there is no avoidance, I can hold my head up high and show just how much I'm better off without him! Get a new job, new fresh start, new breath of fresh air in life. Everything has become a bit too routine. Then hopefully, with all this new found positivity, I might meet a really lovely guy. Maybe. Perhaps. But I'm excited to wait and see! After all, "Your never gonna find it if your looking for it, won't come your way."