I find that in this day and age everyone seems to be talking bout fashion
trends and style crushes. While I don't buy them myself, I often read
fashion magazines at work, and learn all about whats hot on the
high street, or which models and celebrities everyone wishes they could
dress like. Now I don't personally buy into trends or pay any attention
to what is in at the moment, be it style of music, art or celeb culture.
But I do find it interesting to see who people admire and look up to
fashion wise. I thought about who my style crushes were, who I look up
to, and realised you would never see a picture of these people in
magazines. Whats more, I realised a lot of them are actually men! So I
thought I would share with you, which people influence my dress sense and

Bettie Page - Bettie was just so beautiful in every way. I can't remember how I first found out about her, but as soon as I did, I wanted to be just like her. She really was the queen of the pin ups and fetish modelling. She inspired me to copy her fringe, and I have kept my 'Bettie Bangs' for years. One day I hope to grow my hair as long as hers, and leave it curly. She represents power, and I love that about her. I like to think I sometimes portray Bettie swagger.
William Francis - I have been absolutely obsessed about everything concerning this man since I first laid eyes on him in 2006. Lead singer of my favourite band Aiden, Wil has undergone many different fashion phases through the years. He started off as goth, with long hair and lots of white make up (which I totally copied) then moved onto Morrissey lookalike with quiff and beads.
His most recent look and my favourite is what I would describe as 'Victorian Gent' In this look he tends to sport lamb chops or a moustache and wears lots of waistcoats and suit trousers. The feel is that of a gentleman in society who has a sadistic side. What a love about this style is the old fashioned edge and accents of Steampunk style, because deep down I wish I wore my corsets everyday!

Amanda Palmer- Amanda Palmer is the lead singer of The Dresden Dolls and someone else I look up to. Her style is very mish match, think underbust corsets, bras, stockings and band shirts. She doesn't follow any fashion rules or abide by what is expected of a woman. He has shaved eyebrows, which she draws on everyday in squiggles, she doesn't shave her armpits or legs and generally loves to prance around naked. On occasion she also dresses as a mime or as an eight foot bride. Her style is very androgynous and unique. I adore her bravery and the fact she doesn't care if you think she is pretty or not. Since discovering her, I have become braver and less concerned about what is expected of me in society. One day I will be as wild as she is!

Dita Von Teese- Miss Teese was my first real introduction to the world of rockabilly. Everything about her oozes sex appeal and glamour. Because of her I really started to experiment to see what I could do with my black hair and discovered the beauty of a wiggle dress! She also got me into corsets, pale skin and red lipstick.

Morrissey- As stated before, I said I liked the look of Mozza on William Francis, beside that though, there are plenty of other reasons I love Morrisseys style. His fashion choices typically represented Britain's bored jobless youth in the 80's. Although I wasn't even born back then, he kind of became the face of an indie kid in the 80's. His look showed his geeky side and conveyed his awkwardness and angst at growing up in a world of punk and with people who didn't understand him. Morrissey loved pop music and soul singers like Dusty Springfield and Sandie Shaw which distinguished him from his peers. He become famous for his quiff and lack of 'sex' or masculinity. I love him as he wasn't afraid to wear blouses or flowers and still to this day, does not care what people think of him. I think he is a good poster boy for the 'Be who you want to be' campaign.

Last but not least is Ronnie Radke formally of Escape The Fate and now of Falling in Reverse. Radke's style is very feminine but at the same time, very typical rockstar. He wears eyeliner, women's scarves, tailored coats and dandy boots. His hair is also amazing. I try and mimic his style quite a lot! All I have to do is spike my layers up, don black jeans, cowboyesque boots and a scarf and then I'm good to go!
So what I have learned this evening is I like my men to look like women, and my women to look androgynous! So all in all, my style is all about looking full out glam and womanly or looking like a pretty guy or victorian!
Who inspires you and your style? I'd love to know.